Hjem FiskeFluefiske Stor Laks på Flue I Finnmark

Stor Laks på Flue I Finnmark

Av Martin Tilrem

Filmer på nettet hvor det bare vises kampen mellom fiskern og fisken er ikke alltid de beste, men denne filmen viser at det går ann. Med en fantastisk kombinasjon med klipp, og en vakker slutt, er dette virkelig en bra 4 minutter lang kort-film. 

I tillegg, er jo laksen ganske stor.

Fra gutta:

“One of those days. It’s foggy, cold and it’s raining whole day.

You feel thirsty, hungry, tired and cold.

Friends are calling, as they are heading already back to camp. That sounds like an excellent option, as you have been fishing whole day without any success. Different pools, different flies, different styles and nothing seems to work.

You are ready to give up.

We decided not to give up.

And just five minutes after…

‘I think it’s like 5 kilos salmon.

[F*ck!] That’s much more than 5 kilos!

Rock ‘n’ roll!!”

Kos dåkk!

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